Holy Rosary Parish Rosary Society Funeral Procedures - Handout • Please assemble quietly at the back of the church 15 minutes before the Requiem Mass is to begin and pick up a candle at the back of the church. Please remember this is a time of deep respect for the families and for the deceased and observe complete silence. • Rosary Society members who are Martha’s in the kitchen and wish to be in the opening procession should assemble upstairs with the rest of the Honor Guard 10 minutes before the Requiem Mass.  They are not expected to process out with the casket after Mass. • The leaders, at the appropriate time, will line everyone up on both sides of the church behind the last pew and ensure that candles are lit.  • Ladies are to process two-by-two behind the altar servers in front of the casket before the priest and at the altar rail, split off and walk down the side aisles to the back of the church and sit in the Reserved pews.  • Once the ladies are ready to sit, the candles should be blown out with care not to spill the wax.  • The leader will see that the candles are relit just before Mass ends, after Father incenses the casket and returns to his chair. Ladies are to come up the outside aisles to stand at the front of the pews and process out before the priest. • When processing out after Mass, the ladies process after the candles, before the priest, two by two.  (Cross, candles, Rosary Society, priest, casket).  After the last pew, members should file in rows at the back of the church, parallel to the pews, NOT IN THE VESTIBULE, to allow the casket and family to pass through as they exit the church to the hearse.